Davis, FM, Gallagher KA.
Annals of Surgery 2022 Sept 1;276(3):511-521. 35762613
Wolf S, Audu CO, Joshi AD, denDekker AD, Melvin WJ, Davis FM, Xing X, Wasikowski R, Tsoi LC, Kunkel SL, Gudjonsson JE, O’Riordan MX, Kahlenberg JM, Gallagher KA.
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Cellular and Molecular Immunology 2022 Nov; 19(11):1251-1262. 361277466
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Melvin WJ, Audu CO, Davis FM, Sharma SB, Joshi A, denDekker AD, Wolf S, Barrett E, Mangum K, Zhou X, Bame M, Ruan A, Obi, AT, Kunkel SL, Moore BB, Gallagher KA.
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Obi AT, Kimball AS, Dowling A, Cai Q, Adili R, Jank H, Jaffer J, Schaller M, Henke PK, Kunkel S, Gallagher KA.
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Davis FM, denDekker A, Joshi A, Wolf SJ, Audu CO, Melvin WJ, Mangum K, O’Riordan M, Kinkel SL, Gallagher KA.
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Davis FM, denDekker A, Kimball A, Joshi A, El Azzouny M, Obi AT, Lipinski J, Gudjonsson JE, Xing X, Audu C, Melvin W, Singer K, Henke PK, Moore BB, Burant C, Kunkel SL, Gallagher KA.
The Journal of Immunology 2020 May1;204(9):2503-2513, 2020. 32205424
denDekker A, Davis FM, Joshi A, Allen R, Lipinski J, Wolf SJ, Nycz D, Bermick J, Moore BB, Gudjonsson JE, Kunkel SL, Gallagher KA.
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Immunity 51(2): 258-271, 2019. 31350176
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Journal of Investigative Dermatology 139(12):2528-2537.e2, 2019. 31207226
Davis FM, Gallagher KA.
Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis Vascular Biology 39(4): 623-634, 2019. 30760015
Davis FM, denDekker A, Kimball A, Joshi A, Obi A, Singe S, Henke P, Moore B, Kunkel S, Gallagher KA.
The Journal of Immunology 202(6): 1777-1785, 2019. 30710046
denDekker A, Davis FM, Kunkel SL, Gallagher, KA.
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Kimball AS, Schaller M, Joshi A, Davis FM, denDekker A, Boniakowski AE, Bermick J, Obi AT, Moore B, Henke PK, Kunkel S, Gallagher KA.
Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology Journal 38(5): 1102-1114, 2018. 29496661
Davis FM, Kimball AS, Boniakowski A, Gallagher KA.
New Crossroads Current Diabetes Reports: Microvascular Complications - Neuropathy 18(2): 1-8, 2018. 29362914
Kimball A, Joshi A, Carson WF, Boniakowski A, Schaller M, Allen R, Bermick J, Henke PK, Davis, F, Burant CF, Kunkel SL, Gallagher KA.
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Boniakowski A, Kimball A, Jacobs B, Kunkel SL, Gallagher KA.
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Carson WF 4th, Cavassani KA, Soares EM, Hirai S, Kittan NA, Schaller MA, Scola MM, Joshi A, Matsukawa A, Aronoff DM, Johnson CN, Dou Y, Gallagher KA, Kunkel SL.
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